Doubt is not a four letter word

It took a long time not to be made to feel guilty about doubt and to realize that faith was revealed by questioning and being open to answers. Scepticism is not sinful. Cynicism is.

Can there be 
No true faith
With even the tiniest doubt?
A string when pulled
not unravelling the whole
no foot in the door
not in for a penny
no crack that spreads
no line once crossed
not the fated first step
straying from the straight 
and from the narrow
to the slippery slope
on the road to ruin?

Can there be no true faith
Without true doubt?
Not an unquestioning 
blind belief
bending to fit
fantasy held
eyes closed tight
suspended disbelief
wishful thinking.
But facing facts
with eyes that see
the cruel reality.
Open minded to glaring truths,
the impossible contradictions.
The honesty to recognize
that doubt and wonder are first cousins

And in the face of all
hat apparently irreconcilable chaos,
recognizing the humility needed to freely accept 
that which can’t be understood.
To somehow know
To somehow feel
The mystery of love,
The revelation of grace,
The gift of peace.