Fragile flickering

On being with a friend Struggling upon learning that a sister had suddenly and unexpectedly passed away.

Life is a tenuous flame,

a fragile flickering

in a fitful breeze.

Sometimes dancing

sometimes steady

dim, bright, strong, weak

but always always

a light in the darkness.

And always always

so easily lost

to some passing caprice of fate

or the call of an unseen plan.

Leaving us to remember

that moment of light

and what it illuminated

no matter how briefly.

Of itself,

Of its surrounds,

Of each of us.

And what it lit remains,

it does not disappearinto darkness,

that despair is ours alone.

We have a choice –

to see only the night left

or to recall the light of day.

Rejoice in the light we shared,

it travels on forever;

the hope of heaven

now somehow brighter